Dr. Subhash Singh’s talk on Back and Neck Pain. It is one of the common types of pain that most of the people experience at some point in their life. Back and Neck pain are associated with Degenerated Spinal Diseases. Back pain can range from a mild, dull, annoying ache, to persistent, severe and disabling pain. Back and Neck pain restrict the mobility and interfere with normal functioning and quality of life. Pain in back or neck area can be acute or chronic. Causes of Back and Neck pain are injury, strenuous activities, Degeneration of vertebra, infection, tumor, obesity, muscle spasm, strain, arthritis, ligament tear. Common treatments for Back and Neck pain are physical therapy, medications and minimally invasive surgery. Timely treatment is helpful to avoid severe back and neck pain. If you are suffering from back and neck pain then start your treatment immediately...